Social Justice
Read more on our website: Martha's Vineyard Social Justice Leadership Foundation

What we do:
The Martha’s Vineyard Social Justice Leadership Foundation is a non-profit organization with the vision to create A fair and just island for all. Our mission is To empower island groups and individuals to transform racial and social injustices through grantmaking, education, and advocacy. As an organization, we work tirelessly in collaboration with individuals and businesses across the island to locate where there is a disparity or disadvantage and work to close the gap. We recognize and support all marginalized groups on the island, not only funding and hosting events focused on anti-racism but also foraging efforts that help uplift immigrant, LGBTQ+, and low-income communities as well as other marginalized groups here on Martha’s Vineyard. We started the grant aspect, hoping to support individuals or organizations financially with social justice causes they want to call attention to. With some of this grantmaking so far, we have been able to fund implicit bias training for all police departments on the island and host a “know your rights” event for the island’s migrant population as an example. With more funding, we hope to increase our yearly grants to create more impactful and lasting change. We want to encourage others to partner with us and join the move to eradicate social inequality throughout Martha’s Vineyard. We also want to empower our youth to become community change agents (please visit our website to view our video regarding the work we do.)
Where and When:
You may contact Martha’s Vineyard Social Justice Leadership Foundation at PO Box 1356, Edgartown, MA 02539, or via our website at - once at our homepage, click the Contact link to Email Us.
Our Goal:
Our greatest hope for this organization is to go out of business. We hope that we can all witness the day when inequality no longer exists on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, and we can celebrate our differences rather than use them as weapons against each other. We hope everyone living on the island or visiting feels welcome, safe, and affirmed in their identities. Together, we want to create a harmonized community that lives by the laws of fairness and justice and cares for the land we use and the people that live on it.